Sunday, February 25, 2024

Brief history of Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd

The mysterious man cum mining landlord who hid behind the alias known today as Kulup Lembang was very close to the late Sultan Idris, but very little is known regarding their close connections. This is something Kulup Lembang has in common with the influential Kamparian known as Ngah Jabor, who was also very close to the same Sultan of Perak.

Sultan Idris Mines

Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Berhad has a very interesting history that went all the way back to those memorable Kinta mining heydays. It all began with Sultan Idris Mines, named after Sultan Idris Shah I, who was the 28th Sultan of Perak and ruled from 1887 to 1916.1

Foreign birth of Idris Hydraulic Tin Ltd

Sultan Idris Mines later went public and then transformed into Idris Hydraulic Tin Ltd in 1913.2

Idris Hydraulic Tin Ltd

Local birth of Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd

Syarikat Permodalan Bersatu Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koperasi Usaha Bersatu Malaysia, gained controlling interest of Idris Hydraulic in 1982. Koperasi Usaha Bersatu Malaysia was an UMNO cooperative or co-op. After going through a major restructuring exercise, Idris Hydraulic Tin PLC went public once again and this time it is transformed into Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd.3

Highlights on selected few Directors of Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd

The coming home of the London-based Idris Hydraulic Tin PLC and the birth of Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd saw a new breed of local corporate figures such as Dato Haji Harun Idris (later Dato Seri), Tan Sri Ibrahim Mohamed, and Dato Azman Hashim charting the course of the company. The late Dato Seri Haji Harun Idris is connected to the powerful Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar family and the family of Raja Andak binti Raja Endut.4

Believe it or not, one of the former directors of Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd is believed to be currently residing at Tambun Heights, and he is none other than the father-in-law of Faizal Azumu, the current deputy president of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu). His father-in-law was one of the Board of Directors from 1992 to 1998, and he had the opportunity to work closely with Chairman Tengku Tan Sri Dato Ahmad Rithauddeen (brother of Tengku Budriah) and Managing Director Haji Ishak bin Ismail (later Dato Haji Ishak bin Ismail).5

Idris Hydraulic Malaysia Bhd

Haji Ishak bin Ismail was once the secretary of the Permatang Pauh UMNO division, the same UMNO division that was once publicly known as the mighty fortress of Anwar Ibrahim (current PMX). Many books and theses regarding the subjects of cunning Mamak Monopolism and shrewd Malay Capitalism have attempted to link Idris Hydraulic with Anwar Ibrahim, but the so-called connection was vehemently denied by Anwar in late 1993. Unfortunately, many didn't believe it even to this very day.6

Datuk Ishak Ismail

The nephew of the world's most well-known Abdul Daim took over Idris Hydraulic back in 2000. Abdul Daim's nephew is the son of Che Mohd Senawi, the same Che Mohd Senawi who held the positions of Kinta District Officer in 1962 and the acting State Secretary of Perak from 1964 to 1965.7

Neglected Properties: Keep or Dispose?

It is amazing what we could learn from the Sale & Purchase Agreement that was signed by the 'keluarga diraja, bangsa diraja, lombong diraja' family and Headlines International Sdn Bhd (the Purchaser) a few years ago where Saiful Arshad & Co. is also hired to be the Purchaser's Solicitor. Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) has a special moment that is forever etched in the history of Saiful Arshad & Co.

The 'keluarga diraja, bangsa diraja, lombong diraja' family must consider selling a few more of their neglected, non-revenue-generating properties that are currently, ridiculously shared among themselves. What do you hope to accomplish by keeping such properties that are not generating any revenue, especially after considering the nightmarish intricacies and potential conflicts that arise from having too many shared owners?

What is odd about Tambun?

Going back to the subject at hand, let's take a look at the whole picture.

Peja Azumu is a former Member of Parliament for Tambun, and he is succeeded by Anwar Ibrahim, the current MP for Tambun, who has a long history with the Permatang Pauh UMNO division. Peja's father-in-law, who is believed to be a resident of Tambun Heights, also happens to be a former Director of Idris Hydraulic, contemporary of Managing Director Haji Ishak bin Ismail, who was once the secretary of the Permatang Pauh UMNO division. The nephew of Abdul Daim, who is also the son of Che Mohd Senawi, later took over Idris Hydraulics and became its Chairman. Che Mohd Senawi was once the Kinta District Officer and acting Perak State Secretary.

Good friends of Anwar Ibrahim

Any ideas on what might make Tambun unusual? Does anyone have a clue? Anything that stands out about Tambun?

1Abdur-Razzaq Lubis Salma Nasution Khoo, Kinta Valley: Pioneering Malaysia’s Modern Development (Perak Academy, 2005), 99.

2United States. House. Committee on foreign affairs, Tin Investigation : Report of the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs ... on H. Res. 404, 73d Congress, 2d Session, and H. Res. 71, 74th Congress, 1st Session, to Authorize an Investigation into the Extent to Which the United States Is (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1935), 566; Abdur-Razzaq Lubis Salma Nasution Khoo, Kinta Valley: Pioneering Malaysia’s Modern Development (Perak Academy, 2005), 99.

3Alan Lee, “Idris Hydraulic to Make Share Offer,” The Business Times, April 7, 1984, 12,; “Idris Gives Reasons for Non-Renewal of Leases,” The Straits Times, October 8, 1982, 17,

4Alan Lee, “Idris Changing into a Corporate Giant,” The Business Times, October 24, 1984, 15,

5Ivan Loh, “GE15: Anwar Won’t Make Tambun Battle Personal out of Respect for Peja’s Dad, Father-in-Law,” The Star Online, 2022,; “DATO’ MOHAMMED RADZI @ MOHD RADZI BIN MANAN,” I3investor, accessed February 23, 2024,; Jennifer L. Carr, Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1993/94: Volume 1: South East Asia (Springer Science & Business Media, 2013), 80.

6Bernama, “Anwar Denies Any Link with Idris,” The Business Times, November 18, 1993, 23; “Ishak Synonymous with Idris, KFCH,” The Edge Malaysia, 2010,; Cheong Yee Sum, “Business-Government Relations: A Comparative Study of Malaysian and South Korean Experience after the Asian Financial Crisis” (Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2003), 19.

7“Daim’s Nephew Set to Take over Ailing Idris Hydraulic,” The Business Times, July 14, 2000, 13; Norsiah Nurani, “The Movers and Shakers,” Malaysian Business, January 2005, 26; “Transferred,” The Straits Budget, September 26, 1962, 16,; Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Perak, “Pelan Strategik SUK Perak 2021-2025” (Ipoh, 2020), 6,


Bernama. “Anwar Denies Any Link with Idris.” The Business Times, November 18, 1993.

Carr, Jennifer L. Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1993/94: Volume 1: South East Asia. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.

“Daim’s Nephew Set to Take over Ailing Idris Hydraulic.” The Business Times, July 14, 2000.

“DATO’ MOHAMMED RADZI @ MOHD RADZI BIN MANAN.” I3investor. Accessed February 23, 2024.

“Idris Gives Reasons for Non-Renewal of Leases.” The Straits Times, October 8, 1982.

“Ishak Synonymous with Idris, KFCH.” The Edge Malaysia, 2010.

Lee, Alan. “Idris Changing into a Corporate Giant.” The Business Times, October 24, 1984.

“Idris Hydraulic to Make Share Offer.” The Business Times, April 7, 1984.

Loh, Ivan. “GE15: Anwar Won’t Make Tambun Battle Personal out of Respect for Peja’s Dad, Father-in-Law.” The Star Online, 2022.

Nurani, Norsiah. “The Movers and Shakers.” Malaysian Business, January 2005.

Perak, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri. “Pelan Strategik SUK Perak 2021-2025.” Ipoh, 2020.

Salma Nasution Khoo, Abdur-Razzaq Lubis. Kinta Valley: Pioneering Malaysia’s Modern Development. Perak Academy, 2005.

Sum, Cheong Yee. “Business-Government Relations: A Comparative Study of Malaysian and South Korean Experience after the Asian Financial Crisis.” Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2003.

“Transferred.” The Straits Budget, September 26, 1962.

United States. House. Committee on foreign affairs. Tin Investigation : Report of the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs ... on H. Res. 404, 73d Congress, 2d Session, and H. Res. 71, 74th Congress, 1st Session, to Authorize an Investigation into the Extent to Which the United States Is . Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1935.

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