Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The enigma of Kulup Lembang and Che Mahmud

I have noticed lately that the younger generations today often say that Bukit Gantang is located somewhere in Kinta. I don’t know what has led them to say so, but they'd better get their bearings right. Any good old or new maps of Perak would clearly show that Bukit Gantang is a locality that is certainly not located in Kinta.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Thank you, Haji Muhamad Shaharudin bin Mansur

Descendants of the man who hid behind the alias of Kulup Lembang, especially those unfamiliar with Tambun or who don’t feel welcomed there, should study the works of Haji Muhamad Shaharudin bin Mansur (sometimes spelled as Md Shaharudin or Muhammad Shaharudin). Only by studying his past works will you be able to see your mysterious ancestor and Tambun in a different light!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The day I met Tun Hanif Omar at Tambun

It was a few years ago when I stumbled upon Tun Hanif Omar at what was once known as the Taman Perpaduan Restoran Nasi Vanggey outlet. It was a fine Sunday morning, and Tun Hanif Omar was enjoying breakfast at the restaurant with his family.

It was a long time ago, and I couldn’t really remember what we were talking about, but it led to Tun Hanif Omar revealing that he has many relatives living in and around Tambun.

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